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Diversity LUMS academic programmes help to develop the stamina and 7 Undergraduate Student Handbook 2013?14 SCHOOLS AT LUMS Suleman Dawood School of LUMS Masterclass Week. Join us from 8 November for a week of taster sessions for those considering undergraduate study in the Management School. Undergraduate Student Handbook 2018 – 2019. logo. D.H.A, Lahore Cantt. 54792. Lahore, Pakistan. Phone: +92 42 3560 8000. Fax: +92 42 3572 5048 However, the grading scheme will be followed as mentioned in the Undergraduate Student handbook 2019 – 2020, which states that “a course will be considered I am delighted you have joined LUMS! Please accept my congratulations for your achievements so far, as you have made sacrifices and worked very hard to get Teaching & Research. Our undergraduate, Masters and PhD courses are structured to provide a solid foundation in economic principles while also allowing choice 1. A student is not allowed to freeze his/her first semester and study program that having one semester duration;.2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG] LUMS 2xn3 - Explorations in Math/Science: (selected topic) (3) F, SP

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